Five Questions with Laura Greenwood

by | April 21, 2017 |

I’m having so much fun connecting with all the smart authors and bloggers I’ve met online. This is the latest entry in my series of conversations with other romance authors, who join us to share about their creative process, their habits, their inspiration, and more. Our guest today is Laura Greenwood a paranormal writer from the United Kingdom.

1.     What first drew you to the romance genre and compelled you to start writing yourself?

Laura Greenwood: I’ve always read a lot, and I think that the love of a good romantic plot line in what I read, is what drew me into writing romance. It also happened a little bit accidentally, as the first thing I ever wrote (which has never been published) was fantasy, but even that had strong romance elements. What can I say? I’m just a romantic at heart.

As for writing itself, I don’t really remember. I must have been about seven when I started, which was around the time we got our first computer at home. I used to write short stories about my toys. I’ve really stopped since then, but only got really serious about it in the past six months.

2.     You recently released a box set where your book, The Dryad’s Pawprint, is featured along with books from other authors. Have you found it beneficial to present your book in box sets like these and how did you become a part of the box set?

Laura Greenwood: It’s still early days, so I can’t comment too much on the results yet, but I’ve really enjoyed being a part of the In The Shadows Box Set. It’s been a really great experience so far, so much so that I’m actually going to be in another one in October. This one is being organised by the same great author, Nicole Morgan, and I’m looking forward to it! I’ve reached more people by being in the box set, and made some great contacts, both of which are very beneficial!

I applied to be a part of the set via Romance Collections but there is a Facebook Group called “Boxed Set Opportunities”, definitely worth looking at if you want to be in a boxed set!

3.     You have a really large catalog of books. How many books are you writing in a year?

Laura Greenwood: I’m not sure large is the right word yet! Writing a lot is new to me this year, but I’m currently working on my sixth project this year, with five having been completed from start to finish. The aim is to, at the very least, finish my ten-book paranormal romance series this year, which is at least another seven. They are novellas rather than novels though.

4.     How do you keep your inspiration coming?

Laura Greenwood: Inspiration is a funny one for me. I don’t go around looking for things that inspire me, but rather I’ll be writing and have a sudden idea for something in the future, or I’ll be walking the dog and I’ll have an idea. I actually probably have more ideas written down in my notebooks than I’ll ever be able to write, mostly because anything can inspire me!

5.     What’s your writing routine like?

Laura Greenwood: I’m not sure I actually have much of a routine. Most of the time I focus on one project at a time, though I’ll often have plans for future books running in the back of my head at the same time. The only real routine I have is if I’m suffering from writer’s block. When that happens, I start a new file for a future project, and I work on the opening chapter. Then I go back to what I should be working on and go from there!

Laura Greenwood is a Romance & Speculative Fiction Author…often mixed together! Whether it’s shifters, princesses or just normal people, I write the stories that just won’t get out of her head!

When she’s not writing, she loves reading, baking, cooking (and is particularly good at curries!) and she’s a Brownie Guide (Girl Scouts in the US) Leader!

Special thanks to Laura Greenwood for participating in this series! To find out more, visit her website. You can also follow her on Twitter (@lauramg_tdir), Facebook, and Goodreads, You can purchase her books on Amazon (US or UK). 

See also: Five Questions Series

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This post was written by Julie Tetel Andresen

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  • Qսual a verdade por trás da ᖴórmula da Recobramento?
    Será quе ela funciona de vеrdade? Descubгa o que precisa fazer para
    ter seeu ex- de volta.

    Reconquistar o seu amor é poѕsível que ser um proсeso difícil, еspecіalmente quаndo vocês 2 já tоmarɑm suas
    resolᥙções logo depois que terminaram. Imagine que você preferiu a
    resoⅼução de voltar сom ele. Acreditе, nessas horas, o mais difícil não é reсonquistá-lo, mas sustentr seu relaсionamento estável
    mais uma νᥱz. Se este já fоi embora uma vez, o que
    impede dele fazer isso de novⲟ?

    A primeira coisa que você prеcisа dеscobrir aɡora são as falhas que mulheres de todas aas idades costumam cometer quando procuram regressar com o ex.
    De fato, váгias dessаѕ táticas costumkam afastá-lo mɑs aijda
    е desperdiçam о tempo que você invesѕtiu ao рasso que tentava.

    Envar presentes caros, declarações de amor em redes sοciais,
    caгtas sentimеntais imensas, pedidos de desculpas ou até mesmo tentar conversаr sobrе ρlanos para mudаr as coisas no ɦorizonte não funcionam.

    Se você já chegou até aqui, tenho probabilidade quee está sᥱntindо
    falta de seu paixão. É normaⅼ, eu sei. Perder a pessoa dulcinéia dói bastante,porém não fazer nada
    para mudar isѕo dói maiѕ ainda! Aí que entгa em cena o
    Fóгmula da Recobramento. Além de trazer seu varão deе volta, este
    ensina também como MANTER a relação. O que vou tе contar agoora é alto que
    você nãoencontra em nenhum ouyro lugar!

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